From May 9-11, 2023, the German American Chamber of Commerce, Inc. in New York, on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Action, organized a delegation trip for buyers from the United Nations (UN) to the transport logistic trade fair in Munich (press release).
The 4-day delegation trip was exclusively organized for UN procurement officers from the transport and logistic sector to provide information about the German logistic market and to learn about new products and developments. Furthermore, the participants had the opportunity to network with German companies and experts from this important industry (download flyer here).
The seminar "How to do Business with the UN" was targeted towards German companies from the transport and logistic industry. Participants learned about the UN procurement systems and connect with UN procurement officers.
May, 9 Morning Seminar "How to do Business with the UN" for German companies (a detailed agenda will be shared shortly)
Presentations by:
GTAI - Information on international tenders
BMWK - "Markterschließungsprogramm"
UN Procurement Officer and German American Chamber of Commerce - UN Procurement and UNGM
Afternoon Guided Trade Show visit followed by scheduled one-on-one meetings with UN procurement officers (Download Delegationsflyer)
May, 10 Afternoon Round Table with experts from the German transport and logistic sector and Scheduled one-on-one meetings (technical staff may be able to participate remotely) More scheduled one-on-one meetings with UN Procurement Officer