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Virtual Train-The-Trainer Seminar - December 2022

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Name: Virtual Train-The-Trainer Seminar - December 2022
Date: December 6, 2022 - December 15, 2022
Registration: Sorry, registration for this event has been closed.
Event Description:
It's clear now more than ever that your skilled workers are your most valuable resource.  By ensuring they have the skills to manage and train teams, you have the opportunity to grow these essential employees into motivated leaders, while preparing them to upskill high potential team members.

The German-American "Train the Trainer" program is custom built to deliver exactly these outcomes.  By enrolling your skilled workers, personnel managers, and rising stars in this 16-hour online training, you can provide them with the internationally recognized Gold Standard in Workforce Leadership Training.

Participants will learn the skills needed to:
  • Develop and implement sustainable training plans
  • Train using methods targeted to the task and the learner
  • Communicate effectively with team members at all levels and backgrounds
  • Provide motivation, feedback, and mentorship to ensure the success of their teams
Train the Trainer has been developed by a partnership between industry and business psychology experts over many decades.  It is an essential component of the world leading German Apprenticeship system.

Since 2018, we have adapted this program to meet the needs of American industry and have provided it for companies ranging from small non-profits to Fortune 500 companies.

This course consists of 5 3-hour training sessions followed by a written and practical exam.  

If you have an active apprenticeship program or a growing skilled workforce, Train the Trainer is a valuable resource for you.

Funding is available for qualified Apprenticeship programs. GACC members are eligible for reduced participation fees.
Virtual Seminar
Date/Time Information:
Date: December 6th to 15th (Including exam session)
Schedule: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays
Time: 8:30am to 11:30am
Exam Session: Exams will be scheduled individually on December 15th.
Contact Information:
Matthew Allen
Non-member: $1,100
Member: $880
(funding available for eligible Apprenticeship programs)